Tried to implement a Split View I found out the next:
1) wix/react-native-navigation has support Split View on iOS only.
2) react-navigation has only feature request for Tablet dual pane support
Is it possible with little effort to get the desired result?
Yes is it! You can check:
- split view demo app
- open an Expo snack
Someone recommends using an adaptable layout, but if we need to have an ability to "push" screens components into a separate area and support a back gesture (iOS) and a system back (Android)
Let me demonstrate the result before I explain how it works:
phone | tablet |
![]() |
![]() |
As you see above when split view enabled some screens opened in left or right areas. It is possible due to two container navigator.
// Main navigator
<LeftStack />
// Additional navigator
{isTablet ? <NavigationContainer
`independent={true}` Ignore exception when containers are nested within another
<RightStack />
</NavigationContainer> : null}
And to push a screen to an additional navigator we need to check it is mounted:
const pushChatSettingsScreen = ({userId}) => {
const args = [CHAT_SETTINGS_SCREEN, {userId}];
if (isDetailsNavigatorMounted()) {
return detailsPush(...args);
return push(...args);
src: MessageScreen/navigation.js
To understand how push
\ isDetailsNavigatorMounted
works please check source code of Navigator
Support system back on Android
When you try to return to a previous screen using a "system back" on Android you will be faced with the next error:
The action 'GO_BACK' was not handled by any navigator.
Is there any screen to go back to?
It happens because each NavigationContainer subscribe on hardwareBackPress of BackHandler. And let see note about listeners invoking:
The event subscriptions are called in reverse order (i.e. the last registered subscription is called first).
So we have two <NavigationContainer/>
that subscribed BackHandler and when a user press a back button only the last control all "go hack" behavior
To fix it created a specific HOC withSystemBackFix
that implement the desired behavior. I wrapped all screens that would be open in split view
As a result, all screens will be closed in order how they were opened:
So use an example app to understand all aspects of my implementation of Split View
if you have any question I am glad to discuss them in the comments!
(c) MurAmur
Top comments (1)
Hi! The example uses two nested navigation containers. I need to be able to initiate navigation to different parts of my app from the right side column, but its
prop only refers to the inner navigation container and doesn't "know" about the outer navigation container. Is there a workaround for this?