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Davyd NRB
Davyd NRB

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Best tips & tricks for E2E Maestro with React Native

A collection of practical tips and techniques that simplify your developer experience of Maestro E2E framework!

1. Installing Maestro

Let's add a new script to the package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "install-maestro": "MAESTRO_VERSION=1.37.0 curl -Ls '' | bash"
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I define the version we now support using the environment variable MAESTRO_VERSION. The use of the same version by our team and CI is guaranteed.


2. Identify the app as being run by Maestro.

When an app is run by e2e, we occasionally need to configure the behavior of the app:

  1. Disable animation / pause video;
  2. Stop sending analytics;
  3. Turn off React Native LogBox LogBox.ignoreAllLogs().

For this case you need to add arguments to a launchApp command

- launchApp:
    appId: ""
       isE2E: "true"
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And then on JS side using react-native-launch-arguments package you can access that arguments

import { LaunchArguments } from "react-native-launch-arguments";

LaunchArguments.value().isE2E // true
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3. Dot env file support .env

You need to create .env file with next text:

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After that you can use that file as argument for test or record commands:

  "scripts": {
    "record": "$HOME/.maestro/bin/maestro record @.env"    
    "test": "$HOME/.maestro/bin/maestro test @.env"
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Additionally, you can combine various env files (maestro test @.env, in which case all variables from the most recent file will replace, extend, or reset env variables from earlier files.

"test": "$HOME/.maestro/bin/maestro test @.env"
"test-prod": "yarn test"
"test-staging": "yarn test @.env.staging"  
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# .env file:
-e BACKEND=staging
-e PASSWORD=123qwe
-e BACKEND=                 # unset variable
-e # edit existing 
-e SKIP_UNBOARDING=true     # add a new variable 
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The following values will be available in the Maestro environment:

${BACKEND}         // null
${USERNAME}        // ""
${PASSWORD}        // "123qwe"
${SKIP_UNBOARDING} // "true"
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4. Different appId between platforms or environments

It's common practice to differentiate production apps from non-production (staging/beta) apps using a Bundle ID (for example: com.example.myapp & com.example.myapp.staging)

# .maestro/my-test.yaml
appId: ${APP_ID}
name: My test name
- launchApp # used an `appId` specified above
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Then using -e MY_VAR=myVal you can pass APP_ID in each test:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "$HOME/.maestro/bin/maestro test"
    "test-android-staging": "yarn test -e APP_ID=com.example.myapp.staging"
    "test-android-prod": "yarn test -e APP_ID=com.example.myapp"
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and finally, an example of a terminal command:

yarn test-android-staging .maestro/my-test.yaml
# ^^^ Run test using staging app

yarn test-android-prod .maestro/my-test.yaml
# ^^^ Run test using prod app
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5. Filtering tests to run using tags

You have the ability to run a particular set of tests using tags in Maestro.

Your nightly builds, for instance, frequently verify the following crucial features:

appId: com.example.myapp
name: Sign-in email+password
  - "on:pre_release"
  - "on:pull_request"
  - "on:nightly_build"
  - "feature:auth"
  - "backend:prod"
  - "backend:pre_prod"
  - "backend:staging"
- launchApp
# ...
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You can use --include-tags="on:nightly_build" and path to your directory with yaml files to run all test that include an on:nightly_build tag:

  "scripts": {  
    "test": "$HOME/.maestro/bin/maestro test"
    "nightly-test": "yarn test --include-tags='on:nightly_build' ./path_to_flows"
    "pr-test": "yarn test --include-tags='on:pull_request' ./path_to_flows"
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6. Complicated waitFor logic

I had the issue that Maestro couldn't wait for the appearance of the "A" or "B" elements.

But using a repeat & runFlow we can simulate this logic:

- evalScript: ${output.myStatus = 'unknown'}
- evalScript: ${output.attemptsCount = 0}
# ^^^ specify initial parameters

- repeat:
      true: ${output.myStatus === 'unknown'} 
    # run until the status changes
      - runFlow:
            visible: "Booking failed"
            - evalScript: ${output.myStatus = 'error'}
      # ^^^ first `runFlow` wait for an error case
      - runFlow:
            true: ${output.myStatus === 'unknown'}
            - runFlow:
                  visible: "Booking success"
                  - evalScript: ${output.myStatus = 'success'}
      # ^^^ second nested `runFlow` will wait for a success case

      # The remaining logic deals with a timeout case
      - runFlow:
            true: ${output.attemptsCount > 10} # Check attempt limit 
            - evalScript: ${output.myStatus = 'timeout'}
      - evalScript: ${output.attemptsCount = output.attemptsCount + 1} # Incerunmen an attempt counter

# ^^^ After that you can run any logic based on `output.myStatus`
# for example throw an error if status isn't `success`
- assertTrue: ${output.myStatus === 'success'}

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7. Useful bash commands

Android Debug (required to run metro in background)

./android/gradlew assembleDebug -p ./android # build debug apk
find ./android -type f -name "*.apk"         # find apk file
yarn start                                   # run metro bundler
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081                # open port
adb install "<path_to_apk_file>"             # `path_to_apk_file` - result of `find` command above
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Android Release (bundle JS with apk)

./android/gradlew assembleRelease -p ./android # build debug apk
find ./android -type f -name "*.apk"           # find apk file
adb install "<path_to_apk_file>"               # `path_to_apk_file` - result of `find` command above
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8. Run on CI using GitHub Actions

⚠️ If you want to run Maestro test using GitHub Actions on Android you can't use default ubuntu runners as nested virtualization is disabled (that required by Android Emulator).

See run-on: * table:

Runners Android iOS Price (min) Spec
large ubuntu from $0.016 to $0.256 4-64CPU 15-256GB RAM
ubuntu-* $0.008 2CPU 7GB RAM
custom buildjet from $0.004 to $0.048 2-34CPU 8-64GB RAM
macos-*-xl 0.32$ 12CPU ??GB RAM
macos-* 0.08$ 3CPU 14GB RAM

Simple Github Actions workflow .github/workflows/mobile-e2e.yml to run Android & iOS e2e test using Maestro:

  • no caching
  • no versionlock (xcode,java,nodejs,cocoapods)
name: Maestro E2E

on: [push]

  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
  cancel-in-progress: true # auto cancel prev. run

  ANDROID_ARCH: x86_64

    name: iOS
    runs-on: macos-12 # or macos-12-xl
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Installing Maestro
        run: curl -Ls "" | bash # will use `MAESTRO_VERSION` from env

      - name: Installing Maestro dependencies
        run: |
          brew tap facebook/fb
          brew install facebook/fb/idb-companion

      - name: Install node_modules
        run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile

      - name: Install Pods
        working-directory: ios
        run: pod install

      - name: Build app for simulator
        working-directory: ios
          DERIVED_DATA_PATH: my_build
        run: |
          xcrun xcodebuild \
            -scheme "Myapp" \
            -workspace "Myapp.xcworkspace" \
            -configuration "Release" \
            -sdk "iphonesimulator" \
            -destination "generic/platform=iOS Simulator" \
            -derivedDataPath "${{ env.DERIVED_DATA_PATH }}"

          echo "Print path to *.app file"
          find "${{ env.DERIVED_DATA_PATH }}" -type d -name "*.app"
      # ^^^ Path to *.app file (based on derivedDataPath + working-directory):
      # ./ios/my_build/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/

      - name: Run e2e tests
          APP_PATH: "./ios/my_build/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/"
                    # ^^^ change this path to your *.app file
        run: |
          echo "Launching iOS Simulator"
          xcrun simctl boot "iPhone 14 Pro"

          echo "Installing app on Simulator"
          xcrun simctl install booted "${{ env.APP_PATH }}"

          echo "Start video record"
          xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo & echo $! >

          echo "Running tests with Maestro"
          $HOME/.maestro/bin/maestro test .maestro/ --format junit

      - name: Stop video record
        if: always()
        run: kill -SIGINT $(cat

      - name: Store video record
        if: always()
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: e2e_ios_report
          path: |

    name: Android
    runs-on: macos-12 # or buildjet-4vcpu-ubuntu-2204, ubuntu-22.04-4core, macos-12-xl
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Installing Maestro
        run: curl -Ls "" | bash # will use `MAESTRO_VERSION` from env

      - name: Install node_modules
        run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile

      - name: Build apk for emulator
        working-directory: android
        run: |
          ./gradlew assembleRelease --no-daemon -PreactNativeArchitectures=${{ env.ANDROID_ARCH }}

          echo "Print path to *.apk file"
          find . -type f -name "*.apk"

      - name: Install Maestro and run e2e tests
        uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2
          APK_PATH: ./android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
                    # ^^^ change this path to your *.apk file
          api-level: 33 # Android 13
          arch: ${{ env.ANDROID_ARCH }}
          script: |
            adb install "${{ env.APK_PATH }}"
            $HOME/.maestro/bin/maestro test .maestro/ --format junit

      - name: Store tests result
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: e2e_android_report
          path: |
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Top comments (2)

sregg profile image
Simon Reggiani

Very useful. Thanks a lot for the article 🙏

timisthinking profile image

Thanks for the tip on passing environment variables from a .env, super helpful!

👋 Kindness is contagious

Please leave a ❤️ or a friendly comment on this post if you found it helpful!
