DEV Community

Discussion on: Should front end developers be interviewed about algorithms?

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It's a difficult and vast topic. It's intertwined with old practices, assumptions on methods to filter candidates, the need to have generalists as employees, the growing number of candidates, the notion of 10x or ninja devs, the emulation of hiring practices that big tech companies have and probably also laziness (standardized testing is a way to care less about nuances).

So, should they? It really depends on the job I think.

If the offer is to write the core engine of visual studio code (random example), built with what the industry would consider frontend technologies, a familiarity with algorithms and data structures it's probably required. It's also probably not the right example because it's a desktop app built with web tech eheh.

What I mean is there are specialized frontend apps that require familiarity with algos and data structures.

It would make less sense if the offer was about redoing the UI of a legacy app to handle company's orders.

Frontend is hard, backend is hard, algorithms are a skill that can make sense on both ends.

You could argue algorithms are not a required skill for a backend dev if they are hired for a job that doesn't require them.

I don't know if we can say confidently "always no" or "always yes".

There's also the fact that people can pick up skills AFTER. It's a job where you're always learning anyway.