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Discussion on: I'm An Impostor

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Riccardo Polacci

I'm also self-taught and don't have a university degree in anything. I'm not necessarily saying this with pride.

I feel like I've advanced so much in my career and I beat so many odds that it feels like: "this is it, more than this is over-reaching". But somehow I can't stop trying to over-reach.

I'm constantly surrounded by Engineers (I call people that actually have CS degree an engineer), and I many times feel small and ignorant. I can feel more relaxed whenever we're talking about my stuff (Frontend overall).

I use the term "Imposter Syndrome" as a way of compounding many feelings.

I have all the items in your list and more.

Right now I'm actually moving to a new position that increased my "Imposter Syndrome" level to the roof. But, at the end of the day, this term equals: doubt, fear and a long array of what-if's.

If we got here is for a reason. If we're hired and working where we are, there is a reason. And we can always push ourselves further.

Doubt keeps you alert and in check, don't let it drag you down but rather use it as a trampoline.