DEV Community

Discussion on: MERN stack TODO application [Frontend]

rishabapriyan profile image
Rishaba Priyan

Faced some issues with " component={ShowTodoList} " as well as not enclosing with

<Routes> </Routes>

Had to make the changes mentioned for this to work.

// src/App.js

import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";   //changed
import { ShowTodoList } from "./components/showTodoList";
import { CreateTodo } from "./components/createTodo";
import "./App.scss";

function App() {
    return (
        <div className="app-contents">
                    <Route exact path="/" element={<ShowTodoList/>} />  
                    <Route path="/create-todo" element={<CreateTodo/>} /> 

export default App;
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rishabapriyan profile image
Rishaba Priyan

Thanks for the great tutorial by the way❤.