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Riya Handique
Riya Handique

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Top 4 apps that boost online store conversions

The Amazon tax on retail is crippling the growth for brands. Couple this with the increasing tax every year now with Amazon advertising, and growing Ad-costs - brands are now operating on razor thin margins. There’s little left to do product innovation. Simply put, they need apps that can help them make their stores as efficient in sales as Amazon.

An amazing theme and webhost is a great place to launch your store. But the real sales is all about how you run it everyday - which is all about the three pillars of

  • Data driven merchandising
  • Exciting sales & promotions
  • Made for you experiences

There are a bunch of fragmented apps in the Shopify ecosystem that solve for only one or two of these use-cases, but not all. With 7,000+ integrations in the Shopify App Store, it can be overwhelming trying to figure which apps are right for your store.

Below are some of the top apps which I absolutely love using-

  1. ModeMagic by Mason
  2. Justuno
  3. Rebuy
  4. Privy

You should definitely try these out if you want to boost conversions in your online store. Start some free trials to see if it's a right fit for your store. If not, there's tons of other apps in the App Store that you can check out too.

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