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Discussion on: Is it appropriate to play video games at work?

rjmoise profile image

I think it depends on a few things, mostly timing, how it affects their work and the nature of the game.

Timing - I mean this both in terms of when during the day they play and how long the game takes to play out the session. I have peers that play LoL (30+50 min sessions) but only on lunch, so I don't see a problem at all with it. I will play a short 5 minute session of some phone game throughout day to give my brain a rest before jumping back into it. Our work performance is not negatively effected by it so what's the harm?

Work - At the end of the day you go to work to do just that, work. It's normal to take breaks and get distracted here and there, as long as you are delivering it shouldn't be much of an issue. If the focus of your day swings from work to gaming then you have an issue.

Games - I think the nature of the game makes a difference as well. Are you playing a light hearted game that is interesting to others or easy for others to play as well? I regularly bring my Switch to work and play coop games with coworkers on lunch because its a great light hearted activity. If the game is darker in nature (killing games etc) then it may be frowned upon more in the eyes of a lot of people as they don't appeal to a large amount of them.

If you're gaming on a break or to chill for a few minutes between projects I don't see how it's different from taking a walk or watching something mindless on YouTube. When it starts affecting your work and those around you negatively, then you have an issue.

grepliz profile image
Liz Lam

All totally great points. One of the things I've heard complaints about is not wanting to see violent first person shooter games. Here in the SF Bay Area, it's becoming increasingly more popular to have open office space in oppose to traditional cubes. So everything you do is much more public. I suspect that the office setup is also a factor.