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Discussion on: How to Become a Pro 😎 Front End Developer💻

rkyoku profile image
Renaud Kyoku

I don't mean to undermine the work that was done here, but I cannot support this opinionated list. Sure, you claim "personal recommendation", but you still limit the options to the only ones you deem worthy, still claiming that "this is the one path to follow to become a front dev" (and no other one).

But guess what? I'm not using any of this (well, except for the common basics of course) and I'm still pretty damn good at my job (full stack for that matter), that I have been doing with passion for 15 years.

Plus, you "forgot" plenty of viable options (like: Svelte, Qt, you name it), and plenty of other paths (like: not using a monolithic framework in the first place, template engines, canvas based options, etc.).

People absolutely, positively, do NOT need to learn everything in this huge (but still incomplete, as it has already been said in the comments) list of yours.

I decided to leave this comment because I think it is NOT okay to scare (or impress?) newcomers in web dev with a huge list of useless technologies (in the sense that you don't need half of them to be proficient as a web dev).

Learn HTML5, CSS, ES6, and then add some technologies into the mix: a preprocessor (LESS is easy and powerful enough), a task runner (Gulp is pretty good), EITHER a template engine (pick your choice... Handlebars for example) + a router, OR a framework (Svelte >> all)... and you can do pretty much anything. That's it.

Yeah sure you could learn what PWAs are, or how to compile to native (mobile/desktop), or dabble with WebAssembly or the Canvas and everything, but in 95% of cases that's not required.

IMHO you'd better split your stack into several levels of progression... Real levels, that is, not a linear progression implying that "you need to know everything".

Well anyway, just my 2 cents, and I did not even dig deep.

Looking forward to see an improved (or at least alternative, because I do not speak the one and only truth) version! 👍


johnharding profile image
John Harding • Edited

To be fair the basics you listed out are what a junior dev should learn. This is "how to become a pro" which covers every aspect of front end.

And if you want to target newbies I wouldn't recommend svelte.. that has a long ways to go. And even for advanced devs, svelte is not going to be used in most production sites for the foreseeable future. It's something you'll dabble in on the side for now. It is much less required to be a "pro" than everything else in this list.

rkyoku profile image
Renaud Kyoku

Well, again, I consider myself a "pro" (unless you assert that I cannot be, just because I do not use the technologies you listed).

I fully agree with you that Svelte will never make you as employable as React or Vue, but it still is an easy to learn and slick framework, where React is a mess and has a steep learning curve that I (personally) do not deem justified.

I think you are mistaking "being employable" and "being a pro". Yeah sure, if your goal is to follow the mass/hype (they tend to go in the same direction), learn yourself some React and you'll be employable. Worse than that: learn yourself some WordPress theming or whatever, and you will be employable.

But you can clearly be a pro and still not follow the HDD that tends to blind people nowadays. I tried React, Vue, Angular... Did not like that. I use a template engine with a compilation feature, and a tiny router, and I am ready to roll in a jifi. No need to learn a framework. No need for the user to download 2MB of framework or whatever. I have a fast, easy to learn, and easily switchable stack. Go and try to switch from React to Angular. With my techs, I do not need to.

That's the power of going framework-less: speed, agility, no need for extra learning, even more devs able to work on the project... Almost only positive sides.

And you still are a pro even if you go framework-less or whatever.

This reminds me of this guy on YouTube that does woodwork with old-timer manual tools (zero power tool, zero screws). (He is a bad ass and his videos are really relaxing). Of course it takes a bit longer and this is not 100% comparable to going framework-less, but my point is: this guy is still a pro. He CAN use power tools if he wanted to. But he ALSO can work without these tools. That makes him better than the average wood worker (or carpenter or whatever) who would be lost and helpless without his precious modern tools :)

Well, that is my humble POV anyway :)

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johnharding profile image
John Harding

Yeah I disagree completely. It isn't about following the hype. In fact it sounds like you are going against the hype simply because it is popular. I developed with vanilla JS from about 2008-2014. I then moved to Angular, and then Vue, and now React for the last 4 years. If you are making anything remotely complex and aren't using a framework, then you're doing it wrong.

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rkyoku profile image
Renaud Kyoku

I guess you are entitled to you own opinion :)

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