Test-Driven Development. Red-Green-Refactor.
Let's start. You are working on an awesome project in C++ and for TDD you are using the Google testing framework.
A typical scenario when using TDD:
- The new behavior is introduced and described by a falling test. We have RED.
- Logic is implemented, the test is PASSING. We have GREEN.
- The last step, REFACTOR test and implementation if possible.
After that, we run all the tests and we notice that we have 17 falling tests.
What about re-running only failing tests?
What about re-running the first and last failing tests?
This is something that kept popping up to me.
Google Test does not support anything like this, so I decided to write my solution. Github link
What is it?
Wrapper around Google tests
What it solves?
It allows you to re-run failed tests as well as to filter those failed tests by using numeric tags
How to use it?
- Set which executable file will be executed:
./gtester.py --exe exe_name
- Run all tests:
- Run just failing tests:
./gtester.py --run_failing
- Run several failing tests using tags:
./gtester.py --run_failing 1 3

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