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Discussion on: Why I don't use Bootstrap anymore.

robertwent profile image
ʇuǝʍ qoɹ

Sounds like you've been loading the full compiled CSS file and then overwriting the styles?
Why don't you use it with sass? It has a huge list of variables you can override to change the output and you can easily remove the parts you don't want to use.
If you use it like that then you hardly have to write any CSS at all and get consistent styling when you decide you want to use another part of it later.

codedgar profile image

From what I know you can not use Sass on a pure HTML project :o

expdev07 profile image

Please do research on what you’re writing about before misleading a ton of people... If you go to the official bootstrap documentation, you’ll see that it has an “extending bootstrap” section. You can use sass to only bring in features/components that you need. With this, you can also override variables, so you don’t have to use “important!”. You also don’t have to use jquery, only if you want to use the JavaScript features such as modals or dropdowns.

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codedgar profile image

My opinions come from 4 years doing websites! And while I agree on the sass part, you need to use jQuery and Bootstrap.js if you want to use the navbar or pretty much anything you want to have a functionality implemented in Bootstrap, so not having it would cut a lot of components out

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expdev07 profile image

You can choose to not import those components (which by the way, aren't that many) or just don't use them when you haven't added jQuery and bootstrap.js. You can also choose to add custom JavaScript (or use another library) and just use that.

Navbar also works perfectly fine without, you just can't use features such as dropdown for hamburger/profile menu, etc.

4 years is a long time without having looked at SASS, which is taken for granted that you know of if you do front end web development.

slryit profile image
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Script kiddie go back to your lessons

robertwent profile image
ʇuǝʍ qoɹ

I'm not sure what you mean?
SASS is a pre-processor designed to make css easier to write and manage. It compiles sass files to css.
That's why Bootstrap uses it, you can change everything by overriding the variables.