DEV Community

Discussion on: Felte: An extensible form library for Svelte

roblevintennis profile image
Rob Levin

I think I'm confused on what Felte is. I see:

Supports validation with yup, zod, superstruct and vest.

And I did notice in their docs that they support these validation libraries. But then what is Felte itself? Does it provide components or dynamically do the error hints or?

pabloabc profile image
Pablo Berganza

Felte itself provides a way to "keep track" of your form's state using a single function. In the case of Svelte this is done via an action <form use:form>.

When I say "keep track" I mean it hooks into the form, listens to all changes within it and keeps track of its values using stores. So you have access to the values your user inputs in real time via said stores.

Felte also offers a way to validate your user input. In its most basic form using a validate function you would provide. But you can also use other validation libraries as you mentioned since it compatibility with them using "extenders" (basically plugins).

But yeah, Felte itself can be seen as just "state management" for your form.

roblevintennis profile image
Rob Levin

Thanks Pablo that's very helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to clarify for me 👍 🙏 I'll have to find some time to properly play with Felte.