We released a new version for both the new and legacy app today.
The new app(v0.4.0)
(v0.4.1 has been released Apr 23, 2020 to fix some critical bugs. Please check changes in the link.)
Emoji shortcut support
This is implemented by @AWolf81. Now you can use emoji more easily like in Github.
Clickable checkboxes
This is implemented by @pfftdammitchris. Now you can click checkboxes.
Better Side Navigator
We’ve improved the side navigator.
- Show syncing status
- Refine UI coloring
- Replace custom icons with material design icons
- Hide “Tags”, “Trash” and “Attachments” nav link if they are empty (We’re going to make this behavior configurable in the next update)
Other changes
We’ve disabled tutorial, bookmark and import pages temporarily because they look broken, but we will implement them again. We will implement the bookmark feature first and include it in v0.5.0. Others will be implemented along with File System based storage.
The legacy app(v0.15.3)
Scheduled theme
You can now configure the app to change theme automatically based on time. This feature is implemented by @gregueiras
Other improvements
We’ve fixed some minor bugs and improved the UI a little bit.
- Improve inline code block style (BoostIO/Boostnote#3473 by @arcturus140)
- Fix attachment paths when exporting a note as a markdown or a html file. (BoostIO/Boostnote#3549 by @dredav)
- Improve Taiwanese Mandarin locale(zh-TW) (BoostIO/Boostnote#3537 by @xatier)
- Fix adding a Storage that you have unlinked once (BoostIO/Boostnote#3168 by @hikerpig)
What’s next?
For v0.5.0, we’re going to focus on 2 main issues
- Initial File System based storage
- Faster cloud storage
File system based storage of the new app will have better structure than the one of the legacy app. We plan to make it more stable and efficient. In v0.5.0, we will try to introduce the initial version of it. Once it has settled down, we’re going to working on reliable data migration and ship it into v0.6.0. Once it’s done, users using the old app can adopt the new app much more easily.
Also, we’ll improve the current cloud storage. Its syncing is painfully slow. Each api call takes a second. But we’ve already figured out the reason now. So it will be fixed in 1~2 weeks.
In addition, there will be other UX/UI improvements/fixes. We’re still working on improving UI coloring and layouts. Also some tiny features like coloring each folder are going to be implemented by our community! Please check our Github issue tracker or weekly report!
And that’s all for now. Thank you for reading! If you’re interested in our work, please follow us. You can follow us from medium, reddit, facebook page and twitter account. Also it would be really awesome if you can share your idea from our slack and Github repository.
- Github(New) : https://github.com/BoostIO/BoostNote.next/issues
- Github(Legacy) : https://github.com/BoostIO/BoostNote/issues
- Slack : https://join.slack.com/t/boostnote-group/shared_invite/zt-cun7pas3-WwkaezxHBB1lCbUHrwQLXw
- Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Boostnote/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/boostnoteapp
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/boostnote/
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