DEV Community

Discussion on: Creating a blog with NuxtJS and Netlify CMS - 2

romam88 profile image
Martino Roma

Hello, thank you so much for the syntethic and precise post! I was wondering if you have time to share how to handle categories and category pages.

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

Thanks, Martino for reading the post!
In order to handle categories, you have to create a new collection and create a new field with relation type widget (see links) in the blog collection.

  - name: "blog"
    label: "Blog"
    format: "json"
    folder: "assets/content/blog"
    create: true
    slug: "{{slug}}"
      preview: true
      - { label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string" }
      - { label: "Publish Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime" }
      - {
          label: "Category",
          name: "category",
          widget: "relation",
          collection: "categories",
          searchFields: ["name"],
          valueField: "name",
          multiple: true,
      - { label: "Body", name: "body", widget: "markdown" }

  - name: "categories"
    label: "Categories"
    folder: "assets/content/category"
    create: true
    slug: "{{slug}}"
    identifier_field: name
      - { label: "Name", name: "name", widget: "string" }
      - { label: "Image", name: "image", widget: "image", required: false }
      - { label: "Description", name: "description", widget: "markdown" }

I hope this will help.

romam88 profile image
Martino Roma

Great, thanks