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Discussion on: 100 Languages Speedrun: Bonus Episode 101: Programming Languages Tier List

romeerez profile image
Roman K


Curious, why no "honor" to Rust, JavaScript, C, C++, C#?

I'm very surprised to see Python in S, since you said it's 4/5, not particularly good for anything, and Ruby is far more superior than any other language in the world. Rank "S" is too high for Python and too low for Ruby.

That was ridiculous, annoying, and sometimes fun! Your style makes me and probably other readers, if they exist, hate you, but I like it, so unusual. Go is trash - you think so and you just telling it with zero tolerance. Even though Go wasn't in this series. Cool!

taw profile image
Tomasz Wegrzanowski

Python is a consistent 4/5 for more things than any other language out there. Arguably it get a whole extra tier for all the data science / NumPy / Pandas / Jupyter stuff it does, where it completely blows out the competition (R, Matlab etc.).

There's a lot of things Ruby is somewhat better than Python (like web servers, Unix scripting, DSLs etc.), but there are also some things where Ruby is basically a no-show, and Python completely dominates its whole competition. They're in S tier for different reasons, and I don't think any of the other reviewed languages belongs there.

I plan to do one more bonus episode with series retrospective where I'll explain why I chose the languages I did.

I didn't do JavaScript or anything else on the frontend because I did a 101-episode Electron Adventures series just before this one, where I covered a lot of frontend languages, and I didn't want to do it again.