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Discussion on: My Terminal Setup

romkatv profile image
Roman Perepelitsa • Edited

Function prompt_customIcon is slower than it could be (due to forking) and isn't quite correct. Here's a fixed version:

function prompt_customIcon() {
  local -i currenttime=${(%):-%D{%H%M}}
  if (( currenttime > 1619 || currenttime < 421 )); then

It's also a very good idea to prefix all your custom prompt segments with my_ to avoid clashes with future versions of powerlevel10k.

function prompt_my_icon() {
hipstersmoothie profile image
802.11 Savage

Thanks for the tip! What do you mean by forking?

romkatv profile image
Roman Perepelitsa

It calls an external command (date), which is implemented as fork + exec. Both of these calls are very expensive and slow.