DEV Community

Discussion on: DevDiscuss podcast production tools and process?

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Rowe Morehouse • Edited

Your podcast sound totally dope. It's great.

> We record remote guests through Zoom, and I have the guests record a local recording on their end typically using Quicktime or Audacity

How do you help them do this? The input audio stream would have to go to Quicktime as well as Zoom, yah? Do you help them set up an "aggregate input device" assuming they are on mac?

> I record two backups, one through Zoom itself, and the other through Audio Hijack.

Nice. I use SoundSource from Rogue Amoeba instead of Hijack or Loopback. SoundSource is the best $39 bucks I spent on software in a long time. Have you tried it? Also I use Existential Audio BlackHole as part of the internal stream routing. Are you familiar? I can share my setup config with you if you want.

> One of the biggest bummer factors is if they are in a super echoey space

Hate that. There are people on the web that record podcasts and webinars daily, professionally, and they have so much echo and room-tone — don't they listen back and realize they're sounding like dog doo? :)

> After the interview is done, I have the guests and hosts send me their audio through a pCloud link

You have them record in 44.1khz 24bit?

Thanks for your responses! … the show sounds great and the content is great too. :)