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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2020 Solution Megathread - Day 4: Passport Processing

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Ryan Palo

This was a long one, but I learned a ton about the <string.h> library. I also incremented a macro by 1 and spent 3 hours chasing a segfault. So, all in all, I think it sounds like we all had similar days. There are also several edge cases that I'm pretty sure my code doesn't cover, BUT that doesn't matter because this is AoC and it's not wrong if you get the stars. Right? Right?


#ifndef AOC2020_DAY4_H
#define AOC2020_DAY4_H

/// Day 4: Passport Processing
/// Pick through passports made up of key/value pairs to figure out
/// which ones are valid.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define NUM_PASS_FIELDS 8  ///< Number of fields in a SimplePassport
#define MAX_ENTRY_SIZE 20  ///< Max size of possible value in key/value
#define KEY_SIZE 4         ///< Size of a key in key/value
#define HAIR_COLOR_SIZE 8  ///< Size of a well-formed hair color
#define PID_SIZE 10        ///< Size of a well-formed PID

/// A simple passport just has certain fields or not.  Valid ones have
/// them all, with 'cid' being optional.
typedef struct {
  bool byr;
  bool iyr;
  bool eyr;
  bool hgt;
  bool hcl;
  bool ecl;
  bool pid;
  bool cid;
} SimplePassport;

/// Parses the input file, which is a series of passports.  Each key/val
/// is separated by a space or newline.  Passports are separated by 
/// two newlines.  Returns a list of passport structs.
SimplePassport* parse_simple_passports(const char* filename, int* count);

/// Counts the number of valid passports.  Passports are valid if
/// the have all keys, except CID is optional.
int part1(SimplePassport* passes, int count);

// ============== Part 2 ================== //

/// Possible values for height units: none, inches, or centimeters.
typedef enum {
} HeightUnit;

/// A height is a measurement associated with a set of units.
typedef struct {
  int value;
  HeightUnit units;
} Height;

/// Possible options for eye color
typedef enum {
} EyeColor;

/// A fancy passport has strict value validation for all fields.
/// Note: all fields here must be present to win.
typedef struct {
  /// Birth Year: 1920 <= x <= 2002
  int byr; 
  /// Issue Year: 2010 <= x <= 2020
  int iyr;
  /// Expiration Year: 2020 <= x <= 2030
  int eyr;
  /// Height: 150 <= cm <= 193 || 59 <= in <= 76
  Height hgt;
  /// Hair Color: # followed by 6 chars 0-9 or a-f
  char hcl[8];
  /// Eye Color: amb | blu | brn | gry | grn | hzl | oth
  EyeColor ecl;
  /// Passport ID : Exactly 9 digits.  (Storing 10 to find invalid ones)
  char pid[10];
} FancyPassport;

/// Parse fancy passports from an input file.  The number of them
/// is stored in 'count'.
FancyPassport* parse_fancy_passports(const char* filename, int* count);

/// Counts the number of valid fancy passports based on the rules above.
int part2(FancyPassport* passes, int count);

/// Runs both parts.
int day4(void);
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#include "Day4.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/// Loops through a file and counts all instances of double-newlines.
/// Adds one at the end for the last entry which doesn't have a trailing
/// double-newline.
static int count_passports(FILE* fp) {
  int count = 0;
  while (!feof(fp)) {
    if (getc(fp) == '\n' && getc(fp) == '\n') count++;
  count++; // No double newline after last one.

  return count;

/// Parses a single passport from a file.  Leaves the file pointer 
/// after the trailing double-newline, ready to parse the next one.
static SimplePassport parse_simple_passport(FILE* fp) {
  char key[4];
  char value[20];
  SimplePassport passport = {0};

  while (!feof(fp) && getc(fp) != '\n') {
    memset(key, 0, 4);
    memset(value, 0, 20);
    fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_CUR); // Un-eat the previous char because we need it.
    fgets(key, KEY_SIZE, fp);

    fscanf(fp, "%s", value);  // Eat the colon, value
    getc(fp);  // Eat white space?

    if (strcmp(key, "byr") == 0) passport.byr = true;
    else if (strcmp(key, "iyr") == 0) passport.iyr = true;
    else if (strcmp(key, "eyr") == 0) passport.eyr = true;
    else if (strcmp(key, "hgt") == 0) passport.hgt = true;
    else if (strcmp(key, "hcl") == 0) passport.hcl = true;
    else if (strcmp(key, "ecl") == 0) passport.ecl = true;
    else if (strcmp(key, "pid") == 0) = true;
    else if (strcmp(key, "cid") == 0) passport.cid = true;
    else {
      printf("Unrecognized key: %s\n", key);
  return passport;

SimplePassport* parse_simple_passports(const char* filename, int* count) {
  FILE* fp;
  fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    printf("Couldn't open file.\n");

  *count = count_passports(fp);
  SimplePassport* passes = (SimplePassport*)malloc(sizeof(SimplePassport) * *count);

  for (int i = 0; i < *count; i++) {
    passes[i] = parse_simple_passport(fp);

  return passes;

int part1(SimplePassport* passes, int count) {
  int invalid = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    bool* p = (bool*)&passes[i];

    // Iterates over each field of the passport by using the bytes of
    // the struct as an array of bools.  Which should be OK?
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PASS_FIELDS - 1; j++) {
      if (p[j] == false) {
  return count - invalid;

// ================= Part 2 ===================== //

/// Parses a height string to a Height struct.  Well-formed strings
/// are [0-9]+(in|cm).  If it's invalid, leaves the value as 0 and
/// the units as HT_BAD.
static Height parse_height(char* value) {
  Height h;
  int possible_value;
  char units[4];
  sscanf(value, "%d%s", &possible_value, units);

  if (strcmp(units, "in") == 0) {
    h.value = possible_value;
    h.units = HT_IN;
  } else if (strcmp(units, "cm") == 0) {
    h.value = possible_value;
    h.units = HT_CM;
  } else {
    h.value = 0;
    h.units = HT_BAD;
  return h;

/// Parses an EyeColor from a string.
static EyeColor parse_eye_color(char* value) {
  if (strcmp(value, "amb") == 0) return EYE_AMBER;
  if (strcmp(value, "blu") == 0) return EYE_BLUE;
  if (strcmp(value, "brn") == 0) return EYE_BROWN;
  if (strcmp(value, "gry") == 0) return EYE_GREY;
  if (strcmp(value, "grn") == 0) return EYE_GREEN;
  if (strcmp(value, "hzl") == 0) return EYE_HAZEL;
  if (strcmp(value, "oth") == 0) return EYE_OTHER;
  return EYE_BAD;

/// Prints out a FancyPassport for debugging.
static void print_fancy_passport(FancyPassport* p) {
  printf("BYR: %d\nIYR: %d\nEYR: %d\n", p->byr, p->iyr, p->eyr);
  printf("HGT: %d-%d\nHCL: %s\nECL: %d\n", p->hgt.value, p->hgt.units, p->hcl, p->ecl);
  printf("PID: %s\n", p->pid);

/// Parses a single fancy passport from a file.
static FancyPassport parse_fancy_passport(FILE* fp) {
  char key[KEY_SIZE];
  char value[20];
  FancyPassport passport = {0};

  while (!feof(fp) && getc(fp) != '\n') {
    memset(key, 0, 4);
    memset(value, 0, 20);
    fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_CUR); // Un-eat the previous char because we need it.
    fgets(key, KEY_SIZE, fp);

    fscanf(fp, ":%s", value);  // Eat the colon, value
    getc(fp);  // Eat white space

    if (strcmp(key, "byr") == 0) passport.byr = atoi(value);
    else if (strcmp(key, "iyr") == 0) passport.iyr = atoi(value);
    else if (strcmp(key, "eyr") == 0) passport.eyr = atoi(value);
    else if (strcmp(key, "hgt") == 0) passport.hgt = parse_height(value);
    else if (strcmp(key, "hcl") == 0) {
      if (strlen(value) != HAIR_COLOR_SIZE - 1) continue;  // Leave it empty
      strncpy(passport.hcl, value, HAIR_COLOR_SIZE - 1);
    else if (strcmp(key, "ecl") == 0) passport.ecl = parse_eye_color(value);
    else if (strcmp(key, "pid") == 0) {
      if (strlen(value) != PID_SIZE - 1) continue;  // Leave it empty
      strncpy(, value, PID_SIZE - 1);
    else if (strcmp(key, "cid") == 0) continue;
    else {
      printf("Unrecognized key: %s\n", key);

  return passport;

FancyPassport* parse_fancy_passports(const char* filename, int* count) {
  FILE* fp;
  fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    printf("Couldn't open file.\n");

  *count = count_passports(fp);
  FancyPassport* passes = (FancyPassport*)malloc(sizeof(FancyPassport) * *count);

  for (int i = 0; i < *count; i++) {
    passes[i] = parse_fancy_passport(fp);

  return passes;

/// Checks whether a hair color is valid.
static bool valid_hair_color(char* color) {
  if (color[0] != '#') return false;
  for (int i = 1; color[i]; i++) {
    if ((color[i] < '0' || color[i] > '9') && (color[i] < 'a' || color[i] > 'f')) {
      return false;
  return true;

/// Checks whether a PID is valid.
static bool valid_pid(char* value) {
  if (strlen(value) != PID_SIZE - 1) return false;
  for (int i = 0; value[i]; i++) {
    if (value[i] < '0' || value[i] > '9') return false;
  return true;

/// Finger-saving macro for part2: increment the invalids and continue
#define INC_BAD {invalid++; continue;}

int part2(FancyPassport* passes, int count) {
  int invalid = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    FancyPassport p = passes[i];

    if (p.byr < 1920 || p.byr > 2002) INC_BAD
    if (p.iyr < 2010 || p.iyr > 2020) INC_BAD
    if (p.eyr < 2020 || p.eyr > 2030) INC_BAD
    if (p.hgt.units == HT_BAD) INC_BAD
    if (p.hgt.units == HT_CM && (p.hgt.value < 150 || p.hgt.value > 193)) INC_BAD
    if (p.hgt.units == HT_IN && (p.hgt.value < 59 || p.hgt.value > 76)) INC_BAD
    if (!valid_hair_color(p.hcl)) INC_BAD
    if (p.ecl == EYE_BAD) INC_BAD
    if (!valid_pid( INC_BAD
  return count - invalid;

int day4() {
  int count;
  SimplePassport* passes = parse_simple_passports("data/day4.txt", &count);
  printf("====== Day 4 ======\n");
  printf("Part 1: %d\n", part1(passes, count));

  count = 0;
  FancyPassport* passes2 = parse_fancy_passports("data/day4.txt", &count);
  printf("Part 2: %d\n", part2(passes2, count));
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
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