DEV Community

Discussion on: Docker, Django, React: Building Assets and Deploying to Heroku

rschuetzler profile image
Ryan Schuetzler • Edited

Thanks for these posts. Using these, I was finally able to figure out how to get Django and my create-react-app frontend working together from the same repo. One tip, using a multi-stage build for the production Dockerfile saves you from having to install Node in the container. This is what I have at the top of mine:

FROM node:lts as build-deps
WORKDIR /frontend
COPY ./frontend/package.json ./frontend/yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn
COPY ./frontend /frontend
RUN yarn build

FROM python:3.6

Then where you copy in the files, I have this:

COPY . .
COPY --from=build-deps /frontend/build /app/frontend/build

WORKDIR /app/frontend/build
RUN mkdir root && mv *.ico *.js *.json root
RUN mkdir /app/staticfiles


This helps keep the Docker image for production as small as you can.

mrcoles profile image
Peter Coles

Multi-stage builds are great. I did that for a similar project to this but one that dockerizes an express + create-react-app application:

# Setup and build the client

FROM node:9.4.0-alpine as client

WORKDIR /usr/app/client/
COPY client/package*.json ./
RUN npm install -qy
COPY client/ ./
RUN npm run build

# Setup the server

FROM node:9.4.0-alpine

WORKDIR /usr/app/
COPY --from=client /usr/app/client/build/ ./client/build/

WORKDIR /usr/app/server/
COPY server/package*.json ./
RUN npm install -qy
COPY server/ ./



CMD ["npm", "start"]