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Discussion on: setState in Reactjs is not a function

saiavinashiitr profile image
Sai Avinash Duddupudi • Edited

yes thanks for useeffect, Now I wanted to pass this person to customers state variable but it is rendering as empty which is exactly why I have not used useEffect in the first place {"data":[]}

import React from "react";
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
// import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
  const [person, setPerson] = useState([]);
  useEffect(() => {
      .then((response) => {
        return response.json();
      .then((data) => {
        setPerson(data); // You Need this For set Person to `state person`
  }, []);
  console.log("dasdasd", person);
  const [customers, setCustomers] = useState({ data: person });
  return <div className="App">{JSON.stringify(customers)}</div>;
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buraksaraloglu profile image
Burak Saraloglu

You can check for data !== null && return (...) for conditional rendering. Since it will rerender after data loaded, it would also prevent from empty rendering.

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saiavinashiitr profile image
Sai Avinash Duddupudi • Edited

It is being empty forever, not re-rendering at all.

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buraksaraloglu profile image
Burak Saraloglu

I just saw what you did in your customer state. You shouldn't initialize customer state with promise state. What I mean by that is:

export default function App() {
const [person, setPerson] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
setPerson(data); // You Need this For set Person to state person
}, []);
console.log("dasdasd", person);

// This is the part which is updated:

const [customers, setCustomers] = useState({});

// Passing person as a dependency will allow customers to update automatically
useEffect(() => {
person !== null && setCustomers({data: person});
}, [person])



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saiavinashiitr profile image
Sai Avinash Duddupudi • Edited
useEffect(() => {
    person !== null && setCustomers({data: person, isLoading: true, filteredData: person});
    }, [person])
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By dependency, you mean the above block of code gets called every time until person state is changed?

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buraksaraloglu profile image
Burak Saraloglu

It works like this:
1-) Initial page rendering with empty person state, then renders your fetch effect (the second effect did not process because person === null)
2) After the first effect process is done, it will change the person and we put the person state as a dependency for the second effect, it will re-render. Then obviously it will re-render the part of the document.

So, it will not get called until the person state is changed. It will get called if the person state changes.

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saiavinashiitr profile image
Sai Avinash Duddupudi • Edited

Since we added person as dependency , you said it will re-render when person state is updated. so there might be chances of hitting the API twice right? depending upon the person state?

Please correct me If I am wrong

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buraksaraloglu profile image
Burak Saraloglu

As far as I remember, we should've written API connection in separate effect. So, It shouldn't hit for API twice. It will only recall for customers effect.

PS: There's a solution below: after you call for API, setPerson and setCustomers.

.then((data) => {
setCustomers(data) // You Need this For set Person to state person

Maybe this can work aswell.