
Samuel Monteiro
Samuel Monteiro

Posted on

Create git-graphs easily


Have you ever struggled while trying to explain how the git flow on your squad,team or company works to one of you coworkers?

I've already struggled with this situation and back in the time I've created a new folder, started a new git with git init and simulated all the flow.
The problem with this approach is that it doesn't have any visualization of the git graph that's been created. And we all know that in the beginning, git is hard and with experience and time, git continues being hard 🙃


So with that in mind, I found a lib that creates git graphs in svg and they already had a port for React.
Then, I just created a website that facilitates the creation of the graph svg by manipulating the gitgraphjs api and here it is.

Here it is

It's under development and there's some improvements that could be made in order to be more complete and make use of full gitgraphjs api. It's also an open source project and I'm open to any feedback that you may give 🤙

repo link

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