Hello World
Welcome to my Blog. Hold your coffee till the blog's end.
Laravel is one of the great PHP framework to build web applications. Laravel comes with a range of advantages over other PHP frameworks. It is open source and entirely free. This makes it a preferred option for making customizations or adding new packages or functionalities.
Here are some statistic where you can predict the future of Laravel.
If you want know more information about the statistic.
Please go to https://www.similartech.com/technologies/laravel
Now let’s start our journey in Laravel framework. In this blog we will install and setup Laravel.
Install Xampp:
Xampp is the most popular PHP development environment. It is completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.
We are going to install this Xampp. We know Laravel need PHP support. It will run in server and store data to database and both are included in Xampp.
Download Xampp from here: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
Install the latest PHP version. Laravel depends on PHP version. So when you are going to install Laravel also check the version. Here we will install Laravel 7.
Step 1:
Click on downloaded Xampp.exe file. You will notice a warning. Like this
Just click on Yes.
Step 2:
Now just click on “Next”.
Step 3:
Select the components to install with XAMPP. Actually we only need Apache, MySQL, and PhpMyAdmin. But here, I have selected all.
Step 4:
Now select the installation folder where all files will store.
Step 5:
At the end you did it. You have successfully installed Xampp on your machine.
Install Composer:
The composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. So we need to install the composer before installing Laravel. Just follow the below URL and download the Composer-Setup.exe file. Get Composer
Go to the website then click on the selected “Composer-Setup.exe” and download the file.
Open the exe file and then click next.
Now keep clicking on “Next” and it will install the composer.
Install Laravel
Install Laravel by issuing the Composer create-project command in your terminal.
Step 1:
Open your terminal and write down the below command
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^7.0 yourproject
Like this in your command prompt.
Now just sip a cup of coffee ☕ and wait …
It's on rolling.
Step 2:
Go to your project folder using cd
command in cmd.
Step 3:
Now locally we will start our application using below command,
php artisan serve
By default your application will open at 8000 port
http://localhost:8000 paste it in your web browser.
You have successfully installed Laravel on your machine.
Here we have installed Xampp for server (PHP) support, composer (for easy install PHP packages), Laravel (PHP-framework) in windows machine. This is “Hello World” program for Laravel Developer.
Adios Developer 👏, See you in next blog.
Keep Learning, Keep upgrading
Top comments (5)
I am sorry but you are not using XAMPP to serve the project.. you are using the build in PHP server. You are only using the php installation of XAMPP...
I've used for quite some time, but I honestly think that at least using Laragon is a better experience, let alone Docker & co.
Forget xamp, its soo 2012. We are now in era of containers 😏
Yes brother. :)
I'm in learning phase.
That's right and thanks for the resource suggestion.
And I'm still in learning phase (Docker)