DEV Community

Discussion on: How Much Do Developers at Top Tech Companies Make?

scottshipp profile image

Hi, can you clarify the source of the data. Is it all Bureau of Labor Statistics data? Does it only go through 2017? When you say...

We compiled data from top tech companies with the highest salaries to give you an idea of what you can expect if you're looking into a new career path in tech.

... who is we and where is the data compiled from?

Thank you.

judocoder profile image

Hi scott!

This data is not all from Bureau of Labor Statistics data, we compiled this data from a couple of sources, using publicly available data from online salary websites, such as glassdoor, paysa,, etc

Its us, guys at who compiled the data.

scottshipp profile image

Did you incorporate all levels of software engineer (junior, senior, lead / staff / principal, etc.) into it? Or is it only people with the title "software engineer" alone?