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Discussion on: Golang, it was love at first sight.

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Vitor Lobo • Edited

A simpler way to create a generic golang project that makes more sense than using the go mod init name command, is here:

Into ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc

#Create Go project
goproject () { mkdir -p $1/{src,bin,pkg,vendor} && touch $1/main.go }

And now, use the command

goproject example
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Kelvin Thompson

Thanks, this is great for me since I'm a Go newbie. However, I kept getting a bash error:

syntax error: unexpected end of file

I had to add a semi-colon after after main.go so the parser didn't keep going insane. I'm running LMDE4.

Original: #Create Go project
goproject () { mkdir -p $1/{src,bin,pkg,vendor} && touch $1/main.go }

No Error:#Create Go project
goproject () { mkdir -p $1/{src,bin,pkg,vendor} && touch $1/main.go; }

Thanks again! Cheers!