DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm Celebrating 10k Followers Here on DEV! AMA!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Oh hey, I am also enrolled in Flatiron School!

In your opinion, what's the difference between blogging and technical blogging? I have a hard time finding the difference between blogging about tech and technical blogging.

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

I'm so happy to hear you are attending Flatiron School. Good luck. 😊

To me, technical blogging is when you are discussing a technical topic. More often than not, there will likely be a few code snippets in this kind of post.

Blogging about tech is less technical and more generally about something pertaining to the tech industry. I've written blog posts about the job search, which to me is more blogging about tech than it is a technical blog post. I don't discuss the algorithm questions I was asked. I don't discuss any technology in particular. I talk about my experiences and the tips that I have for those in a similar position.

With all that said, you can do both, write technical blogs and also blog about tech. You don't need to choose one or the other.