DEV Community

Discussion on: Are "asynchronous" and "parallel" the same terms in software development?

sduduzog profile image

Nope. I'll try to explain this how I understand it so I won't be providing textbook level descriptions

Parallel probably refers to entities like processes running side by side, like imagine how a browser could be playing a yutube video but when you scroll down the thing fetches comments all at the same time. There's like so many other things going on in that one page and those processes are happening in parallel.

Asynchronous or synhronous most likely describes how tasks are carried out or how messages are handled for instance,

var name = prompt("What is your name");
console.log("the name is", name);

We could describe the above line of code as synchronous code. Copy and paste it to your browser console. You'll notice that the name is not printed out until you've done some action to the prompt dialog. The following instruction will never be acted upon if the first one has not finished. An opposite to this is Asynchronous which one example I can make is you writting this post and continuing to live your life. After some time, I wrote this silly comment to respond and the sole purpose of this post has been fulfilled. No matter how long it took, it didn't stop you from closing the browser and going on about your day.

Sorry this is a mess, I could have made a better example to explain this but I just took a couple of minutes while I am at work