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Discussion on: Learn Docker - from the beginning, part III databases and linking

seagerjs profile image
Scott Seager

Great article (and series), Chris!

I’ve got a quick question about persistence with the MySQL container. I might have missed it somewhere, but was wondering where the actual MySQL data winds up so that it isn’t lost when the container is restarted later.

Ie. On a native Linux installation these would wind up in /var/lib/mysql on the host machine. Where does the dockerized MySQL container put them? Does it implicitly mount a host file system volume in the same location?

sygyzmundovych profile image
Vitaliy Rudnytskiy

Hi Scott. Great question! I've been asking it myself as well :)

I am using Docker Desktop on Mac, so in my case Docker is using a disk image named Docker.raw located in ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0. And this is where it stores all containers and images. So, you won't see exact the same structure of folders and files on a host as you see in the container.


neskhodovskiy profile image
Serhiy Neskhodovskiy • Edited

You actually bring up an important issue Scott. The whole point about containers is that they are disposable. A good architecture assumes that any container may be destroyed and re-created (from a Dockerfile) at any later moment. But if we destroy the MySQL container we will eventually lose the database. Not a big deal for development, but sounds scary in production, right? One particular consequence, we have to stick to mysql image once downloaded and we won't be able to update to a newer image or to make changes to the image, without destroying the container and losing all data.

The solution? Separate data (mysql database) from the application (mysql container). That's what volumes are for - theoretically. The first idea coming to mind, let's put /var/lib/mysql (or whatever directory MySQL uses as storage) into a volume and mount it into the container, right? Not sure about you, but I had a bunch of low-level issues trying to port this directory from a Windows to a Linux host. The problem turned out to be the difference in how MySQL reads and writes to disk on different platforms.

I don't have a viable solution for this yet, and I'll be happy to hear one.