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Discussion on: Kentico Xperience 13 Beta 3 - Page Builder View Components in ASP.NET Core

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Sean G. Wright

As a matter of fact, I was exploring this recently 😀

But all I'm doing here is using the .netstandard2.0 Kentico Xperience data access APIs from F#, which isn't that impressive since this is what F# on .NET has always done.

F# isn't supported for Razor, so that's one area you'll have to write C# (I don't think Razor supports VB.NET on ASPNET Core).

You can definitely write libraries in F# and use those in your C# applications. Those libraries can depend on the Kentico.Xperience.Libraries NuGet package if needed.

You can also, like I did in the screen shot above, write your ASPNET Core code in F# and call Xperience APIs from the app, since it's all .NET.

Since Kentico Xperience has always been a C# based product, you will find a lot of F# integration un-ergonomic... 🤷‍♂️ it's just the nature of things.

You could always stick to C# but use Functional Extensions for C# or go fully functional with C# Functional Programming Language Extensions if you are feeling adventurous!

I've used both, the latter is drinking the functional kool-aid and the former is dipping your toes enough to reap some benefits.