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Discussion on: You are being manipulated

seanthegreat profile image
Sean Antony Brunton

There is a probelm with Americans man.. I mean the general populous. Damn man, you guys have too easy. To defeat America just attack the national grid and keep off for two weeks. You will most definately turn on yourselves.. Hay? Like 14 days no power, Americans will easily go into civil war. I mean social media tears your society right in two😂. One cyber attack on your national grid now? Say Bye bye USA. It amazing how quickly you guys turn on yourself. Life is too easy for you. Take too much for granted. It's easy to beat an American mind. So easy to manipulate and control. Why? You guys don't know the difference between a truth and a lie. No offense. My only problem is when you ouens cause kak with Chinese it affects my business in South Africa. Stop causing kak man. The world needs America to be political stable. It's essential for the whole world that America stays stable. Stop your kak and be mindful.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

Several years back there was a 2-3 week power outage in my region. National Guard got called in to prevent looting (because so many people's houses were empty as they stayed elsewhere with power). But civil war? No. If anything a shared disaster usually unites us. You also have to remember that the US is big... there isn't a national grid AFAIK, but lots of regional ones.

As to your other characterizations, I do not think they generally hold true.

It might seem silly, but the problem we are talking about has real negative effects on people. Including political divisiveness and extremism that you mentioned affects your business.

seanthegreat profile image
Sean Antony Brunton

I see what is on TV. I see what affects my business. I am presuming, judging on what I see. What I am implying is that is ridiculous that your national guard must be called in, when there is a power outage. Here power goes out for months in places. Peolple have to use generators, diesel for two months before mains comes back. Don't call in the military.. People are use to suffering here.