DEV Community

Discussion on: What do developers wish designers knew?

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Mac Daniel

I agree with the things you said. At this point, I think it's not even a debate that designers should code. They have to, or at least have a developer's mindset in designing. This will make things easier in terms of feasibility and scalability.

I work with designers who code their own designs in HTML and SCSS. The best thing about it is we're past 'just visuals' and are already thinking on the frontend side of things. We encourage the component mindset, anticipate UI states, and implement a more consistent logic on how the pieces fit.

I understand that the 'designers should code' argument is a tough pill to swallow especially for people who don't have a programming background. However, I can't emphasize how huge the impact is.

Designers who understand code don't do parallax for the sake of parallax. They know the underlying structure to design, responsive breakpoints, and browser compatibility.

In my experience though, having a developer's mindset kind of works against visual flairs (which are important in the earlier phases especially during pitches). I think designers need to tailor their creative choices around the technical aspects to achieve balance. After all, limitation is the mother of creativity.

In the end, it all comes down to believing that the best way to design something is to first understand how it's built.