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Discussion on: is the perfect demonstration of how content-based web apps should be developed

sergiodxa profile image
Sergio Daniel Xalambrí

I think what you are describing at the end is Next.ja, you use React to build your app, then you can either generate the HTML at build time or at runtime querying the DB (or an API) directly, you can then leverage HTTP and CDN cache, it will also prefetch the code for new pages when you hover them.

knyto2 profile image
Kenny To

I second this, this is the problem Next.js intends to solve with SSR, which gives an edge with SEO over standard CSR solutions.

I agree with this article because I'm tired of loading times with CSR's, it kills me a little bit inside every time. I don't know how people can be so blind or have so much patient.

bigi profile image
Bigi Lui

Hi Kenny, great to see you here! And hello Sergio!

My understanding of next.js is that it handles SSR and React routing. I think this is different than what I have in mind, which is essentially static-site-generation (but not to final HTML output, but to templated views for MVC).

The conceptual difference is this: SSR is still rendering the output HTML in real time (only in server side code, instead of client side). It still takes server resource to do this on-demand. SSG (static site generation) is sort of what the JAM stack is about -- you pregenerate HTML from your React/Vue/Svelte frontend components, and it simply lives as static HTML files on the web server (and in the case of JAM, they talk to an API server afterwards). In the case of what I propose, they are rendered as templated views, where an MVC framework could just call render(pagename, variables); at the end of a controller to render the view.

Perhaps I would need to run some benchmark to know if there's actually significant performance improvements to gain at all. Like I said, I spent no more time than what it took to write down the thoughts, to think about it, so more work is warranted. :)