DEV Community

I built a bookmark manager

Sunny Golovine on July 01, 2019

UPDATE: Since publishing this article I have open sourced the extension. You can find the source code here Years ago when I was still in college I...
hellovietduc profile image
Duc Nguyen

This is cool! I use bookmarks a lot and often get lost over time in finding the bookmarks I want. I also had a thought of making an app to manage bookmarks myself. But now I find your app, I'll give it a try. Do you open source it?

sgolovine profile image
Sunny Golovine

I have yet to release the source code but I plan to.

exploreraadi profile image

This is awesome stuff. I had something similar in my mind and was browsing through the internet to get some idea so that I can build my app found this. Thank you so soo much broπŸ™Œ
But my idea was a bit different too and would love your take on that so do you have some social media accounts where I can reach out to you ?

digilord profile image
D. Allen Morrigan • Edited

Hi. I've had this particular itch over the past few weeks. My musings have been CouchDB connected via VPN back to my machines.

I await seeing your code and proposed architecture on Github.