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Discussion on: You don’t always need a CMS

sheriffderek profile image

I hear a lot of people saying they don't need a CMS. Most of my old WP clients would email me a year later revealing they'd never even logged in to change anything! haha. I could have saved a lot of time/money - and just hard coded most of them.

But for devs I think it's different. We can write in markdown. Platforms like this get a bit of easy street in that way. We do it here in, Slack, Discord. We can jump into Liquid or whatever language. My mom isn't going to do that.

But also, most dev blogs seem to be white single columns of content. See Josh's blog for an example: It's great. It has text and pull quotes and videos. But - it's also a bit constrained by the markdownness of it. What if you needed a big interactive area - or even just a different color background on the section. (that example is chosen for visuals not the actual code)

But then, I also see that they are using a ton of build tools to take markdown and generate the 'stuff.' There are a lot of static site generating options. But they often involve React and a build pipeline. Nothing wrong with that. But - it jumps up in complexity quickly. You could also totally use WordPress's json-api - and consume it with 11ty or whatever is hot - and get the same static site out of it.

In the course I teach, we chose to use PHP to start and build a JSON driven site server-side version of a site. Then use the same JSON to build the JS version and compare. I wouldn't have expected this - but the PHP site is super fun to build. I'd suggest that anyone who is learning this stuff slowly work through all of the options. There's a very clear point when the CMS becomes a huge win. (if you're project isn't just a bunch of text in a column)

Having the info in public version control is pretty great too, because people can help you updated it.

Digging around in the WP CMS is certainly the bottleneck to my productivity. The interface/chrome is hard to parse and toggle - but - so, is using Prismic - or Contentful or any cloud CMS. Just having a JSON file has been really fun. And that way - I can work with as many custom sections and loop through dynamic page sections without being constrained by markdown. If the site is simple enough (like how these are just chunks of content) - it's pretty fast to build your own limited CMS too.

Thought dump complete. hahaha

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Ah yes, it does limit one, although most markdown also includes jsx/components these days, which brings back a lot of flexibility.

Fun thing you mention making CMS's for people that never use it.
Can't even count the number of website i've build on some kind of CMS, just for me to change the content anyway 😂