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Dharmen Shah
Dharmen Shah

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How to track changes in ngDoCheck with KeyValueDiffer

When we use ngDoCheck to detect changes, we need to make sure that our implementation is extremely lightweight and fast, so it doesn’t affect user-experience. In this tutorial, we will learn how to efficiently track and process those changes using KeyValueDiffer.

ngDoCheck life-cycle hook

The official definition of this life-cycle hook goes like this:

"Detect and act upon changes that Angular can't or won't detect on its own. Called immediately after ngOnChanges() on every change detection run, and immediately after ngOnInit() on the first run."

Simply put, Angular tracks binding inputs by object reference. It means that if an object reference hasn’t changed, the binding change is not detected and change detection is not executed. This is where we need ngDoCheck.

Practical usage

It is very important to understand when to use ngDoCheck life-cycle hook when working with the code and how it’s different from ngOnChanges.

For example, we are going to consider two components:

  1. my-app - Has the basic layout and rates property, which represents the rates of INR for 1 USD over time.
  2. app-rates - Accepts single @Input for rates

Our goal is to track changes of rates.inr and display the same in app-rates. Let’s start with coding:

// app.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
  <button (click)="updateRates()">Update rates</button>
      <h4>{{ 1 | currency }} = {{ rates.inr | currency: 'INR' }}</h4>
      <app-rates [rates]="rates"></app-rates>
export class AppComponent {
  rates: { inr: number } = { inr: 0 };

  updateRates() {
    this.rates.inr = 75;
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my-app’s code is basic. It just displays the rates and we have also given a button which will update the rates by calling updateRates.

Let’s look at app-rates’s code:

// rates.component.ts

import {
} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-rates',
  template: `
    *ngIf="diff !== undefined; else noDiff"
    []="diff > 0"
    []="diff < 0"
    {{ diff | number: '1.0-2' }}
  <ng-template #noDiff>
    <span class="badge bg-secondary">
      No difference
export class RatesComponent {
  @Input() rates: { inr: number } = { inr: 0 };
  diff = undefined;
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app-rates’s template only displays diff, which represents how much rates.inr has changed since last time. And if there is no change, it will show “No difference” text.

Now, to simply get diff, we will need to calculate the difference between new value and old value.

Why not ngOnChanges

We may think to do this with ngOnChanges. Let’s first see what changes we are getting in ngOnChanges life-cycle hook:

export class RatesComponent implements OnChanges {
  // ...

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    console.log('Is first change?', changes.rates.firstChange);
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Now, let’s keep an eye on the console and click on the “Update rates” button:

console output on click of Update Rates button

Notice that ngOnChanges is getting called only when the rates is assigned for the first time. This is happening because we are not changing the rates object by reference from my-app. If we write something like below in my-app, then ngOnChanges will capture the changes:

updateRatesByReference() {
    this.rates = { ...this.rates, inr: 70 };
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Usage of ngDoCheck

Unlike ngOnChanges, ngDoCheck tracks all the changes, whether they are by reference or not and even more. Let’s utilise it in our example:

export class RatesComponent implements DoCheck {
  @Input() rates: { inr: number } = { inr: 0 };
  diff = undefined;
  oldRate = 0;

  ngDoCheck() {
    if (this.rates.inr !== this.oldRate) {
      this.diff = this.rates.inr - this.oldRate;
      this.oldRate = this.rates.inr;
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In the above code, we introduced a new property called oldRate. And in ngDoCheck we are checking if the new rates.inr is not same as oldRate, then it should update the diff. Let’s look at the output now:

output after ngDoCheck

For more on ngDoCheck, I would recommend you to read the article: If you think ngDoCheck means your component is being checked — read this article - Angular inDepth.

This example is available on stackblitz. This code gives the result as expected. But Angular provides few utilities to efficiently track changes made to an object over time. Let’s look into those.

KeyValueDiffer and utilities

There are a few interfaces and a service involved when we want to use KeyValueDiffer. Below is the illustration which covers them all:

KeyValueDiffer flow

Below is the summary:

  1. We will inject the service KeyValueDiffers and use its find() method to get a KeyValueDifferFactory
  2. Next, we will use KeyValueDifferFactory’s create() method to create KeyValueDiffer
  3. We will track the changes through the KeyValueDiffer’s diff() method. It returns KeyValueChanges
  4. And at last, we will analyse the changes from KeyValueChanges using one of its methods, for example forEachChangedItem
    1. All methods provide access to change-record KeyValueChangeRecord
    2. The KeyValueChangeRecord interface is a record representing the item change information

Practical usage

We will use the above utilities in the app-rates which we created previously. We will start with blank ngDoCheck:

export class RatesComponent implements DoCheck {
  @Input() rates: { inr: number } = { inr: 0 };
  diff = undefined;

  ngDoCheck() {}
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Our goal here is to track the changes made to rates property with KeyValueDiffer utilities.

Property of type KeyValueDiffer

Let’s first create a differ:

differ: KeyValueDiffer<string, number>;
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As the rates object has the key of type string and value of type number, we are passing two types, string and number respectively with KeyValueDiffer. You can change this as per your need.

Inject KeyValueDiffers service

Next, let’s inject the KeyValueDiffers service:

constructor(private _differsService: KeyValueDiffers) {}
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Initialize KeyValueDiffer

It’s time to initialize the differ from service. We will do it in ngOnInit life-cycle hook:

ngOnInit() {
    this.differ = this._differsService.find(this.rates).create();
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In the above code, first we are calling the find() method. This method internally first checks if the object passed as argument is either a Map or JSON and if the check is successful then it returns KeyValueDiffersFactory. You can checkout it’s source-code on GitHub, but overall, below is how it looks:

find(kv: any): KeyValueDifferFactory {
    const factory = this.factories.find(f => f.supports(kv));
    if (factory) {
      return factory;
    throw new Error(`Cannot find a differ supporting object '${kv}'`);
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After find(), we are calling the create() method of KeyValueDiffersFactory, which creates a KeyValueDiffer object.

Track changes in ngDoCheck

Next, we will use the differ and call it’s diff() method inside ngDoCheck:

ngDoCheck() {
    if (this.differ) {
      const changes = this.differ.diff(this.rates);
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The diff() method returns KeyValueChanges or null. As mentioned earlier KeyValueChanges provides methods to track all the changes, additions, and removals.

In our case, we need to track changes made to rates, so we will use forEachChangedItem() and calculate the diff:

ngDoCheck() {
    if (this.differ) {
      const changes = this.differ.diff(this.rates);
      if (changes) {
        changes.forEachChangedItem((r) => {
          this.diff = r.currentValue.valueOf() - r.previousValue.valueOf();
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The final code of app-rates looks like below:

  selector: 'app-rates',
  template: `
    *ngIf="diff !== undefined; else noDiff"
    []="diff > 0"
    []="diff < 0"
    {{ diff | number: '1.0-2' }}
  <ng-template #noDiff>
    <span class="badge bg-secondary">
      No difference
export class RatesComponent implements DoCheck, OnInit {
  @Input() rates: { inr: number } = { inr: 0 };
  oldRate = 0;
  diff = undefined;
  differ: KeyValueDiffer<string, number>;

  constructor(private _differsService: KeyValueDiffers) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.differ = this._differsService.find(this.rates).create();

  ngDoCheck() {
    if (this.differ) {
      const changes = this.differ.diff(this.rates);
      if (changes) {
        changes.forEachChangedItem((r) => {
          this.diff = r.currentValue.valueOf() - r.previousValue.valueOf();
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This example is also available on stackblitz.


We first started with a brief intro to ngDoCheck. Then we learned the utilities needed to track the changes, i.e. interfaces KeyValueDiffer, KeyValueChanges, KeyValueChangeRecord and KeyValueDifferFactory and KeyValueDiffers service.

Finally, we implemented it all in the code and tracked the changes made to the rates object over time using KeyValueChanges.forEachChangedItem.

This strategy is also used by Angular’s built-in directive ngStyle, you can check it’s code on GitHub.

In this tutorial, we learned about tracking changes made to an object. It is also possible to track changes made to an array. For that, you will need to use IterableDiffers service and related interfaces in the same manner. For more on it, checkout ngClass’s code on GitHub, where the Angular team have used IterableDiffers.

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