DEV Community

Discussion on: React vs Vue vs Angular vs Svelte

shriji profile image

Also, it would be great if you could give a little explanation of this point

Confusion in variable names and syntax

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Firstly, for confusion in variable names, I'm talking about how Svelte handles state. Coming from React, state would only be initialized with the useState hook. In Svelte, all the variables you make is state which could be confusing for someone just learning Svelte. Also, for the confusion in syntax, I'm talking about the confusion in logic. For example, if statements in Svelte are different than the usual Javascript if statements which could cause some confusion/more learning time for beginners. There are also other examples of this.

shriji profile image

It makes syntax simpler TBH. React isn't even a direct comparison to Svelte. The only syntax that users will get accustomed to is $ assignments.