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Discussion on: What is your approach to learning a new Javascript framework?

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Shubham Sinha • Edited

If you know one you don't need any paid course. Most of the Js frameworks have two core concepts, Components and Props. The only thing that differs is syntax and store (state) management. That too you can infer easily. If you are coming from jQuery land things may seem difficult but there's a way you can get around that. Here's how I transitioned myself to be React developer.

  1. Went through Js (ES6) docs on M.D.N and Airbnb's style guide.
  2. Opened my best work on jQuery and turned it into pure vanilla Javascript implementation.
  3. Applied for jobs. Why? Because first they do is to forward you assignment. Bare minimum knowledge they expect from a developer.
  4. Solve that god damn assignment.
  5. Start a small side project. Use dummy APIs to build an ecommerce app.