File Operations
: List directory contents
C:\> dir
2023-08-11 10:00 AM <DIR> dir1
2023-08-11 09:58 AM 20 file1.txt
2023-08-11 09:59 AM 30 file2.txt
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: Print working directory
C:\> cd
C:\U sers\u ser
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Text Operations
: Display file content
C:\> type file1.txt
This is the content of file1.
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: Display the beginning of a file (Windows doesn't have an exact equivalent to head, but more can be used to view the contents)
C:\> more file1.txt
First line of the file.
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: Display the end of a file (Again, Windows doesn't have an exact tail equivalent, but you can scroll through with more)
C:\> more file1.txt
Last line of the file.
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System Information
: Display system information (This provides a lot of information, more than uname -a in Linux)
C:\> systeminfo
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wmic OS get FreePhysicalMemory,TotalVisibleMemorySize /Value
: Display memory usage (This is a bit more complex in Windows compared to Linux's free
C:\> wmic OS get FreePhysicalMemory,TotalVisibleMemorySize /Value
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: Test network connection
C:\> ping
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: Display a line of text
C:\> echo Hello, World!
Hello, World!
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doskey /history
: Display command history (This might not capture all history like Linux's history command, but it's the closest built-in command)
C:\> doskey /history
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