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Hey! I made this CLI tool called fcd which replaces the cd command. It basically searches for wherever you are trying to cd and then copies the appropriate cd command to your clipboard.

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Faster cd-ing.

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About The Project

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fcd Screen Shot

fcd is a utility which helps you cd faster on macOS.

Ever had to type out a long cd ~/Sites/Projects/project, find out the path is wrong, rewrite it to cd ~/Sites/Sandbox/project? You just wasted a minute or two. This inspired me to create this tool: fcd.

fcd automatically reads the dirname and the basename of the input and searches for any folder with basename as the name in the dirname folder (Basically, if you input "some/where/else", the program returns the path to "some/where/**/else"). Once it finishes:

  • If there is more than one folder named basename, it gives you…
siddharthshyniben profile image

I wanted to implement autojump like functionality ever since I made fcd.