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Discussion on: How can you swap two variables without using a third?

simonhaisz profile image
simonhaisz • Edited

Good thing the question was specific to integers. With floating point arithmetic this wouldn't be guaranteed to work in all cases. Especially in Java 😭

This is probably the simplest case that shows the space vs time choice for optimisation. Here you are saving memory but have more operations. 3 arithmetic and 3 assignments. If you used an extra variable you still have 3 assignments but lose the 3 arithmetic but also have to add/remove the variable to from the stack.

ptdecker profile image
P. Todd Decker

JavaScript, by nature, stores all numbers as double-precision IEEE 754 floating point numbers. The 52 bits of the fractional portion is used to store integers. This results in 'maximum safe integer' of 253 - 1. Further complicating things is that JavaScript's bitwise operators only deal with the lowest 32 bits of JavaScript's 54-bit integers. So the bitwise approach will not work on big integers in JavaScript.