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Demystifying the PageRank Algorithm

Sishaar Rao on May 13, 2017

PageRank is arguably the most widely-utilized and influential algorithm in our modern day - chances are you use it tens of times every single day...
andrewdtanner profile image
Andrew Tanner 🇪🇺

This is a brilliant, well constructed article. Well done.

ferkungamaboobo profile image
Doug R. Thomas, Esq.

As a digital marketer doing a lot of SEO I was so worried when I saw the title.

Great job!

There's a lot more to Google's algorithm, but this is a good way to explain the core backbone of it.

kataras profile image
Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Excellent, well-written article, simple and readable. You've got the star from me and I'm a person who is very difficult to feel satisfaction these days.

eduardolagoaguilar profile image
Eduardo Lago

Very clear 101 for understanding PageRank, Matrix algebra simplifies it even more. Google has for sure a ton of tweaks to deal with scale but on the core, link counting and weighing lives!