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Discussion on: What's the most fun you've ever had coding?

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Simon Justesen

I'm having fun with most projects :P But one that stands out in my memory was a webshop I wrote back in the early 2000s. A friend and I had just founded our first web company, and we were approached by a guy who ran a small shop selling carpet cleaning solutions. He needed a webshop. Back then, there wasn't really anything like Shopify, etc. so my younger self was stupid enough to think that it would be an easy task to build something from scratch. Oh dear...

Armed with a little knowledge about PHP and Javascript I managed to hack something together in few months. It might sound easy, it wasn't - I was ready to throw in the towel multiple times, but then I would have wasted a lot of time and have nothing to show.

During that time I was constantly in crunch mode. I have vague memories from a summer holiday, but most of the time was spent coding during that summer. I got it done, and the webshop I built was, much to my surprise, in operation until around 2016, where I decided to stop supporting it. At the time it had been running for more than 10 years, which is like an eternity in the IT business.

Since then I've written online signage designers and label designers for the .NET platform, which also were very fun projects, when I think of it.

The most fun project right now is probably my attempt to make an online collaboration platform for the Open Source desktop publishing app Scribus. The project is still very much in it's infancy and I expect it to take a least a year, before it's in a usable state. I haven't announced anything publicly, as I have a terrible track record of abandoning projects, so I don't want to get peoples hopes up until there's something to look at. But I'm having loads of fun, as I venture into uncharted land.