DEV Community

Discussion on: Web Application Security Checklist (2021)

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slidenerd • Edited

I disagree with your "Dont do authentication yourself" for reasons like these today its firebase, tomorrow it could be auth0 or okta or cognito, user data is the most primary thing that belongs to your application, giving control of that to a third party is a strict no no especially knowing that all over the world hackers are busy finding a way to break firebase or auth0 because they have a massive incentive. No dedicated team of hackers s gonna bother fiddling around long enough to see how your application can be breached. Make no mistake, I am not saying that dont add security whatsoever in your app but you can build a decent authentication system with existing libraries, owasp cheatsheets and some hours spent on I am planning to write a full blown post with 1000s of references on how to build your own production grade authentication system (with feedback from the community to continuously improve it) as I am tired of hearing about these third party auth guys all day. And its not like people at auth0 are aliens from Mars right, there are also a bunch of humans similar to you and me, so what magic are they doing that you and I cant do? I am sure with enough research and feedback from a huge community we could create a auth system just as robust as theirs