DEV Community

Discussion on: Rewriting Software from Scratch: Signs of a Need And Resulting Benefits

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🌌 Sébastien Feugère ☔ • Edited

To clarify: I am not a member of the Perl Weekly editorial team.

The fact the language is unpopular doesn't mean it is not suitable for most of the imaginable tasks. And it's oldness make it very stable. Also the unpopular aspect push companies to hide their own use of this language (they wouldn't like to scare people). For example, most of Unix like systems requires Perl for proper functioning.

There are all kind of trendy technologies that get much more appeal, but this one is still there after 25+ years.

I think judging anything by popularity is biased and in this way, TIOBE is rather meaningless.

In the Perl community I remember of a very good storie about "rewriting from scratch" an application that was functionning. Two years later, and an explosing budget, the rewriting project is cancelled because the initial Perl app was faster. Yes, faster! Perl 😂