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Yao Marius SODOKIN
Yao Marius SODOKIN

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Implementing a Voting System in Solidity

A voting system is a crucial component of decentralized applications (dapps) that operate on the Ethereum blockchain. Solidity is the primary programming language used to write smart contracts on Ethereum, making it a natural choice for implementing a voting system.

Implementing a voting system in Solidity involves several key steps:

1. Defining the voting structure

This includes the candidates or options available for voting, the number of votes each voter is entitled to, and the total number of votes cast.

struct Voter {
    address addr;
    bool voted;
    uint8 vote;

struct Candidate {
    bytes32 name;
    uint8 voteCount;

mapping(address => Voter) public voters;
Candidate[] public candidates;
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2. Setting up the voting mechanism:

This includes functions for casting votes, checking voter eligibility, and tallying the results.

function vote(uint8 _candidate) public {
    require(voters[msg.sender].voted == false);
    require(_candidate < candidates.length);

    voters[msg.sender].vote = _candidate;
    voters[msg.sender].voted = true;
    candidates[_candidate].voteCount += 1;

function winningCandidate() public view returns (bytes32) {
    bytes32 winner;
    uint8 maxVotes = 0;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
        if (candidates[i].voteCount > maxVotes) {
            winner = candidates[i].name;
            maxVotes = candidates[i].voteCount;
    return winner;
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3. Enforcing voter eligibility

To ensure that only eligible voters can participate in the election, we can use the onlyOwner modifier or require statement to check that a voter's address is on a list of approved addresses.

modifier onlyOwner {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

function addVoter(address _voter) public onlyOwner {
    voters[_voter] = Voter(_voter, false, 0);
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3. Ensuring security

Several potential vulnerabilities should be considered when implementing a voting system in Solidity. These include the potential for vote manipulation, unauthorized access to voting data, and the possibility of a malicious actor attempting to disrupt the voting process.

To mitigate these risks, it is important to employ best practices such as utilizing the require statement to validate inputs, implementing access control mechanisms, and utilizing Ethereum's built-in security features such as gas limits and time constraints.

This is the basic structure and functionality of a voting system in Solidity. Of course, there are many other considerations and optimizations that can be made depending on the specific requirements of the application.
Additionally, it's important to thoroughly test and audit the smart contract before deploying it to the Ethereum network.


It's also important to notice that, depending on the complexity of your voting system, it may be expensive to deploy and run it on Ethereum blockchain. Keep in mind that each transaction made on the contract will require paying for Gas and the amount will depend on the complexity of the function being called, the data being stored and the current network conditions.

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