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Discussion on: Why I fell in love with K8s

sovereign313 profile image
sovereign313 • Edited

Lol. Complexity of swarm vs K8s? Swarm is 100 times less complex and far easier to setup and use (even at scale) than k8s....

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot • Edited

@sovereign313 I should've been more detailed about what I meant by complexity of Docker Swarm and or Rancher.

Here it goes:
Both are ok and easy to setup but me working with it for past few years has been nothing but a trouble. There are open issues and bugs that need immediate attention when it comes to security and or CI/CD pipeline. Also the community it self is much smaller IMO or at least not as active as k8s.. Just checkout k8s slack there is over 48k people on it and some channels with 7k people in it that help you either find something or fix something. Not that I depend on support much, however when you have multi-cluster and thousands of containers Docker Swarm and Rancher for me just don't cut it well. Hope that makes more sense when I mention the complexity of it.

As far as setup K8s can be setup in less than 20 minutes "pre-prod" with almost any provider (except the Baremetal or anything to do with Ansible :) ) ..