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Cover image for Our new look: Speech Labs
Speech Labs
Speech Labs

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Our new look: Speech Labs

Who are we?

Speech Labs is the new look for Martha AI, a company which helps individuals and companies with everyday tasks.

Why did you rebrand?

Our previous look was very bleak and didn't offer much substance to what the company really was. We decided to take the company branding in another direction, and we're really settling into our new look!

Are you pivoting your business idea?

Nope! We're continuing to provide an AI assistant to help individuals and companies with everyday tasks.

Where can I find you now?

Our new web URL is - don't worry if you forget though! We're automatically redirecting everyone from our old domain,, to our new domain.

What about your emails?

Our emails have also transitioned over to, however, if you email an domain, we'll still get it! It'll be redirected to our new inbox.

Our new socials

You can find our new socials here:

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