DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 Ways Developers Can Invest Time Instead of Wasting it

spiritupbro profile image
🙅‍♀️ Say “No”
Here I am still in the development process, but it has already become much better. I say “no” much more often today.

When I have inquiries of any kind or even my own project ideas, I always reflect on this principle: if you say yes to this, you automatically say no to something else. Because you can only do one thing at a time, is this thing more important than other things for achieving my goals?

This way, whole kinds of projects or requests fall through the grid—the filter which recognizes what really matters for me, for my most critical resource—my time.

this quote is beautiful for real i got so many project even thought i can do all of that saying no to some of the project is actually necessary you know even thought i love coding but at some point its really crazy to do all of that at once

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

I truly understand you!

Developers are very curious people and eager to learn new things through project implementations. Still, at the same time, we have energy and willpower limits on how much time and capacity we give for each new project.