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Discussion on: Speed up development of dotnet core applications with watch tool

squalsoft profile image
mr_squall • Edited

Thank you for your reply. Node.js precompile javascript code before run it.
I think that .Net Core need some more intelligent mechanism than just simple watch(build project and all it's dependencies on source change). TypeScript and Node.js doesn't rebuild all project after one file change in watch mode. It rebuild only changed portion of code.
It will be cool if .Net Core introduced that feature. For example i change ClassA => Some mechanism detect this immediately (like nodemon) => Recompile ClassA => Recompile all referenced code that use ClassA => Patch assembly.
In early days of .Net Core (first bettas) it used another build engine (not old fat MsBuild) and it worked a lot faster than now.

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rafalpienkowski profile image
Rafal Pienkowski

Unfortunately, it isn't that simple. The example that you gave (Typescript and NodeJS) is excellent.
First of all, Typescript files are being transpiled to the ”pure” JavaScript. That process doesn't have to cover all files. Only files that have been changed have to be translated into the new language.
On the other hand, in the compilation process, we are not able to extract and compile only modified files. The compilation has to cover all files to produce a library which is being treated as the comprehensive part of the software.
I think that is the difference which causes that you and I have to wait longer for the build result.

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besmaili profile image

Thanks Rafal for you'r response , but what is the magic behind ?