DEV Community

Discussion on: Why Do You Need a Backend?

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Stephen Leyva (He/Him)

I don’t think it’s just relational databases either. Data modeling applies to NoSQL and is helpful in scaling. In fact, your data modeling strategy could encompass different data stores where it makes sense and denormalize the data (parts of you service need search? Perhaps Elastic. Parts need bulk writing? Consider Cassandra, I could go on and on). This kind of branches into system architecture, but it’s definitely a more senior skill to have and not necessarily front end dev. Serverless, Microservices, Moneliths are just tools in a tool box. Each one comes with its own problems. I wouldn’t say the OP is wrong, they’re just highlighting a tool they use and makes sense for their use case for their backend needs. Additionally, the OP admits backend is different than it was 10 years ago (containers, kubernetes, cloud adoption etc.)