Day 1: Intro to Android Development
1. Which language/tech-stack do we use to develop Android app?
➡️ In Android, basically, programming is done in two languages JAVA or Kotlin or C++ and XML(Extension Markup Language).
2.1. What is the use of XML in Android app development?
➡️ XML help us to add layouts and components in a well structure manner and even designing work of the application is done by XML itself.
2.2. Is the Android Development similar to Web Development?
➡️ Yes,you can relate it with web development.Just like HTML in Web Development,XML in Android does the work of structuring the layouts and components in Android app.And the Java/Kotlin/C++ does the work of JavaScript.
2.3. Ok Now I got the XML does the work of HTML in Android development. Is there any thing related to CSS?
➡️ Yes, XML itself does the work of HTML as well as CSS.
XML has the styling attributes and properties in Android just like HTML with inline styling in Web Development.
3. How can I start Android Development work?
➡️ You need Android Studio IDE which is one stop tool for Android development.
Note: Android studio IDE requires minimum 8GB ram.
You can also Practice XML using XML visualizer.
4. Tools and IDE :
Online XML Visualizer by Udacity (Here you can practice designing App layout)👇
Java Development Kit (JDK) 👇
Since we use Java for Android we required JDK.
Android Studio IDE👇
5. Installation Process for Android Studio:
a) Download and Install JDK first.
b) Then download and Install Android Studio.
The installation process is straight forward.
Installation on Linux Ubuntu 👇
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