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Discussion on: Why I no longer use GraphQL for new projects

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

I think it's more of there is not alot of tooling and "best practices" for GraphQL.

Like for me a gold standard for API will be either Twilio or Sendgrid or Salesforce but when it comes to endpoints made using graphql I have no idea.

jensneuse profile image
Jens Neuse

I'm the founder of WunderGraph, we're setting the gold standard of how to run GraphQL in production. We focus on security and automation to give you the good parts of GraphQL without you having to take care of the tradeoffs:

cosmicrocks profile image
Itamar Perez

Hey @jensneuse ! Seeing the title of this post, I immediately thought about Wundergraph.
It helped me remove lots of complexity from the project, such as Apollo server, type-graphql, and next-auth.

q118 profile image
Shelby Anne

@jensneuse I love WunderGraph! Are you hiring? :)

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jensneuse profile image
Jens Neuse

Thank you! What exactly do you like about it?
On hiring, you can join our discord and we have a chat.

rrackiewicz profile image

Hi Jens. Could you compare wundergraph to something like Postgraphile? The beauty of Postgraphile for our MVP project was the ability to get up and running quickly. The only friction we've had thus far with Postgraphile was un-plugging the default JWT authentication in favor of a session-based solution. We evaluated Hasura mid way through our project and just didn't think it brought much to the table at that point (Typescript gen would have been nice in a new project). As we scale our project and introduce additional integrations we are always looking for more scalable/performant solutions. Thanks!

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jensneuse profile image
Jens Neuse

This is a great question, thank you!

PostGraphile is an amazing framework, written by benjie, a really nice guy from the GraphQL community. PostGraphile is, as it says, an extensible high performance automatic GraphQL API for PostgreSQL. It's written in NodeJS and can be used as a standalone service or even as a library.

WunderGraph on the other hand is a suite of tools to make API practitioners highly productive. Our aim is to create the best developer experience for working with APIs. GraphQL is core to our solution but it's just a tool to accomplish our goals. PostgreSQL is also just one of the possible connectors. You can also use MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, GraphQL, OpenAPI (REST) and Apollo Federation, with MongoDB, gRPC, SOAP and OData support coming soon. Additionally, we look at problems like authentication and solve them with an end to end approach. For example, you can plug in your own OpenID Connect provider, e.g. Auth0 or Keykloak, and WunderGraph not just generates the backend to handle the auth flow and protect your APIs but also generates a type safe client to initiate and end the login flow for the user. It's like Firebase but using your own custom DataSources, Authentication Providers, File Storage, etc.. We're not doing anything magically. What we do is make a lot of decisions for you so that you can focus on what really matters: Getting the business logic right and building a great User Experience. Everything else, the whole Middleware layer, is solved by WunderGraph.

So, to answer your question more specifically. You don't have to think about JWTs with WunderGraph. We offer a secure login flow out of the box, with CORS , and CSRF protection for mutations, using secure, http only, encrypted cookies. If this is not enough for your problem, we'll add another flow. E.g. we'll also be adding token based auth for non browser-based environments. But again, our goal is that you don't have to think about this middleware layer. You should be focusing on User Experience and Business logic. Everything else can be standardized and automated away.

mikaelmorvan profile image
Morvan Mikael

I can confirm, WunderGraph is a game changer.
You'll never have to worry about creating GraphQL API again, everything is in the box. Composing your service using other existing API is also really easy.